Carry Your Favorite Minifigures with Imagination
Every minifigure tells a story and every mini adventure finds its perfect stage!
The Chest Clip is designed to attach to any plain fabric surface, from your jacket’s lapel to your long sleeve shirt
The Collar Clip is perfect for your t-shirt collar or your shirt or the pocket of your suit jacket—if it has a folded edge, it’s compatible!
The Sleeve Clip is made to smoothly adjust to any opening facing down, such as a cap’s edge.
The Cap Clip is the most versatile version, being suitable for caps with openings in any direction.
The clips are designed for children over 3 years old and our designs
meet basic toy safety standards like ASTM F-963 (US) EN-71 (EU).
No sharp point/edge, no magnet/metal material.
We figured out the simplest structures, easy to understand, easy to use, even for little hands.
We figured out the simplest structures, easy to understand, easy to use, even for little hands.
4 clips could be easily applied to most of daily outfits. Whether it's a summer or winter outfit; a cap or scarf, a suit or a dress, a Tee or Poncho…without damaging the outfit.
* Images courtesy of
Compatible designs allow users to enjoy this new play pattern with their existing minifigure from major brands: LEGO, Mega Bloks, Zuru Max, Kre-O, Keepplay, Decool…
Compatible designs allow users to enjoy this new play pattern with
their existing minifigure from major brands: LEGO, Mega Bloks, Zuru
Max, Kre-O, Keepplay, Decool…
* Images courtesy of
Products must be cost-effective so that everyone gets a chance to experience and enjoy this new play pattern.
It is a reunion with the childish side of you that you never wanted to let go. And Figleaf is what allows you to carry and express all of these, building a bridge with those around you. And, who knows… you may just unexpectedly find new minifigure friends to talk to when you're connected by Figleaf's refreshing power!
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